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Ai auzit despre capsuni cataratori? ADEVARUL despre CAPSUNII CATARATORI

Deşi materialul de mai jos a fost scris în urmă cu mai mulţi ani, nu există, nici pe acest site, nici pe alte situri, poze cu aşa-numiţii căpşuni căţărători. Deşi au existat, mai jos, câteva comentarii ale unor persoane care ...
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Intrebari legate de violete de parma, croton, mandarin, fucsia, musculiţa albă, trandafir de camera, bambus, lamai, smochin, capsuni, tisa, muscate

Intrebarea nr.256: Buna ziua. Va rog domnule doctor sa-mi raspundeti de ce frunzele de la un ghiveci cu violete de parma s-au contorsionat spre interior, cu toate ca arata foarte bine cu frunze tari si lucioase, are chiar si boboci? Va ...
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Profesorii Colegiului Agricol din Falticeni au participat la un schimb de experienta in Marea Britanie

Schimbul de experienta, realizat in cadrul proiectului Leonardo da Vinci "Integrarea elevilor cu tulburari comportamentale in invatamantul de masa", a urmarit perfectionarea cadrele didactice din punct de vedere al comunicarii optime, tehnicilor de ...
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Din ianuarie, fermierii vor putea sa foloseasca mai multe vouchere pentru achizitionarea de tractoare prin programul RABLA

"Programul Rabla pentru tractoare, care ii intereseaza foarte mult pe agricultori, a pornit in 12 septembrie. Deocamdata trebuie sa il intrerupem la sfarsitul lunii noiembrie pentru ca e vorba de bugetul pe anul acesta, dar din 15 ianuarie ...
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Dupa 16 octombrie, fermierii primesc un avans de 42 euro pe hectar. Vezi declaratia ministrului agriculturii

"Este importanta, poate una dintre cele mai importante actiuni care se desfasoara pentru agricultura, inceperea platilor avansului, din data de 16 octombrie. Suma pe care o dam in acest an este de 42 euro in avans. Urmeaza ca de la 1 decembrie ...
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Mircea Croitoru: Principala problema a sectorului legume-fructe o constituie exceptarea de la plata de impozite, taxe si TVA a importatorilor

Asociatia Profesionala Nationala Legume – Fructe  (APNLF), membra a Federatiei Nationale a Producatorilor Agricoli din Romania (FNPAR), reprezentanta de presedintele Mircea Croitoru si Florin Ciobanu in calitate de membru fondator, a ...
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Masuri pentru stimularea arendarii - Persoanele care dau in arenda terenurile agricole vor primi 30-100 euro/an pe hectar

Cuantumul primei va fi de 30 euro/ha/an pentru o perioada de arendare de cinci ani, 50 euro/ha/an pentru 10 ani, respectiv 100 euro/ha/an pentru minim 15 ani, se mentioneaza in proiect. DESCARCA PROIECTUL LEGISLATIV PRIVIND STIMULAREA COMASARII ...
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Ultimele 20 stiri adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa mount

Gusterland, noua zona de agrement din Sibiu

Sibienii au ales denumirea pentru viitoarea zona de agrement si ecoturism de pe Dealurile Gusteritei! Aproape 3.300 de sibieni au votat in perioada 12-26 noiembrie una dintre cele cinci denumiri selectate de juriul din cadrul Primariei Sibiu ...
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Spicul SA a intrat in insolventa

Spicul este unul dintre cele mai longevive branduri din industria de panificatie, cu o istorie de peste 160 de ani. Compania avea la finalul anului trecut datorii de aproape 100 milioane de lei (23,7 milioane de euro), la o cifra de afaceri de numai ...
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Microregiunea Pogany Havas, exemplu de biodiversitate si cultura traditionala

Teritoriul Microregiunii Pogány-havas se întinde de la Bazinul Ciucului până la marginea de est a Transilvaniei, continuându-se în Judeţul Bacău. Până acum, puţini vizitatori din vest au descoperit această parte specială a ...
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Bucate din Carpați: de la ferma ta, pe masa tuturor!

Un proiect european de avengură, pe tema dezvotării durabile în zone montane din Europa îşi propune să susţină actorii implicaţi în lanţul produselor tradţionale şi de calitate din Carpaţii Româneşti, prin comunicarea rezultatelor ...
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Romanian agriculture - in socialist 1950-1980 interval

Agricultural Regions: The historic provinces of Walachia, Transylvania, Moldavia, Dobruja, and the Banat have distinct soil and climatic conditions that make them suitable for different types of agriculture. The breadbasket of Romania is Walachia, ...
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Curierul National: Agricover Group turnover rose by 20.2% last year, to 402.7 million lei

Agricover Group's turnover increased by 20.2% last year, to 402.7 million lei, compared to the previous year, when it registered 335 million lei, while profit rose by 68%, from 7.5 million lei to 12.6 million lei. Among the divisions and companies ...
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ZF: Macromex builds bakery plant together with Belgium's La Lorraine

Macromex, the biggest frozen product distributor on the market, with 117m-euro turnover in 2009, will invest 8m euros in a plant in Campia Turzii, Cluj county, built in partnership with Belgium's bakery and patisserie producer La Lorraine. The plant ...
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Russia grain crop may well beat industry guess

An industry estimate that Russia's grain crop will "exceed 90m tonnes" this year may prove conservative, to judge by the growth in winter plantings, a leading analyst has said. Russia, which on latest Washington data has overtaken the US to become ...
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Kavkaz port throughput up 15.5% - to 8.1 million tons in 2009

Freight transshipment through the Port of Kavkaz increased by 15.5% as compared with 2008 - up 8.1 million tons in 2009, IAA PortNews reports citing the Port Authority. The amount of raid handling of export sulfur grew by 45.28 percent, to 1.890.000 ...
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10-month agri-food products exports up 5%

Romanian exports of agri-food products exports grew by about 5% in the first ten months of 2009, to 1.84 billion euros, compared to 1.75 billion euros in the same period of 2008, while imports decreased by 18%, from 3.41 billion euros to 2.8 billion ...
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Publicitatea la "capsunii cataratori", schema americana de marketing cu radacini in anii 70

In ultima perioada, foarte multi gradinari au auzit despre "capsunii cataratori", "capsunii urcatori" sau "capsunii suitori", dintr-un soi despre care cei care il comercializeaza spun ca s-ar dezvolta "precum o liana", scrie situl de specialitate ...
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Opinion: few winners from wheat-sowing slump

The gap isn't quite a century. But it still sounds historic - the lowest US winter wheat plantings since 1913, the year that stainless steel was invented and the first crossword published. The shame is that, for crop price optimists, the ...
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Cargo transshipment at SCPI of Ukraine fell 13,8% - to 16.3 million tons last year

Cargo transshipment at the state-run Illichevsk Commercial Seaport "(SCPI, Odessa region, Ukraine) decreased over 12 months, 2009 by 13,8% compared with 2008 - to 16.286 million tones. According to port authorities, cargo handling for December ...
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Fast food tax to be levied in Romania as of March 2010

Fast food tax will be levied from March 2010 and imposed to the companies producing, importing or preparing fast food and pastry-confectionery products, snacks, chips, as well as soft drinks, the amount of the contribution to be determined through ...
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Romanian Meteorologists Issue Advisory For Rain, Wind, Frost In 14 Counties

Romanian meteorologists issued a code yellow weather advisory forecasting rain, wind and frost in 14 counties in the western and southwestern part of the country, valid Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening. The western and the southwestern ...
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Code Yellow Warning Of Snow, Blizzards In Romania Tuesday-Thursday

Romanian meteorologists issued Monday a code yellow weather warning forecasting snow throughout most Romanian regions and blizzards in mountain areas Tuesday noon through hursday noon. "In the timeframe considered, it will snow in most regions, ...
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Shareholders of Avicola Braşov approved the taking out of a 50 million lei loan

Shareholders of Avicola SA Braşov approved the decision of the Board of Administrators to take out a 50 million lei loan for a maximum period of 360 days, according to a communiqué sent to the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The company will offer as ...
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The crisis is over for agriculture, and industry is next

Romania is slowly recovering from the recession. According to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), agriculture, industry, financial activities, the real estate sector, and services for companies have emerged from the ...
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Cioloş: A Commissioner with a budget the size of Romania’s

Dacian Cioloş, nominated by the President of the European Commission for the agriculture portfolio, has every chance of being approved during European Parliament hearings, but he does not have the power to influence the Common Agriculture Policy ...
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Code of Good Practice promotes battle over prices and jobs

The Code of Good Practice, currently on the President’s desk, is widening the gap between local foodstuff producers and traders, the latter mostly international networks. Representatives of local producers say this is the best anti-crisis measure, ...
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Ultimele 3 anunturi adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa mount

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